Interview – Víctor Martín: how technical writing and social networking can push your business towards success

Victor Martin: technical writing and social networking

Today,  speaks with Victor Martìn. Victor is a Spanish Telecommunication engineer, specialized in technical writing and in the railway field.  He´s the founder of the blog “Victor Martin_Comunicaciones Ferroviarias”, and collaborates with several railway and telecommunication magazines.  The example of Victor clearly demonstrates that the passion for your work and a  contemporary approach to it, as regards an online presence, a self-marketing strategy and an orientation to knowledge sharing, one of the basis of internet, can guarantee you improvements related to your own knowledge and  your business. 

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Victor, let’s start talking about your academic career. What do you think about Politecnica of Madrid? How does it work? Do you suggest it to young students? How could it improve its services?
“I choosed the Politecnica University of Madrid to be a center of excellence in technical careers, and specifically, in telecommunications engineering. It has a very good teaching staff and laboratories where you can develop your practices. Like most universities, it should improve the integration into the employment environment during all stages of the degree.”
You have a really contemporary approach to your job. How do you place the concepts of “community”, “bloggers” and “social network” in the field of engineering?
“Nowadays, the access to information and the divulgation of your knowledge is awesome, global. I consider that the concepts of classroom and the “face to face” are still very important from the point of view of training and work, but certainly, technologies have revolutionized these concepts. Through a community, a social network or your own blog, you can perform countless tasks as making business contacts, e-learning, establish synergies, share your knowledge, collaborate with other technologies and countries, etc. I think that now, it´s not an option, but an obligation to be update with these concepts in the current engineering.”
Let’s talk about your activities as e-journalist and blogger. Why you decided to write technical articles? You’re surely very busy in your working-day, so how do you manage time? How do you find time for writing?
“As I said at the beginning of the interview, I consider sharing your knowledge is a key to your personal and professional development. I’ve always enjoyed divulging my knowledge, and writing articles and creating my blog was a perfect tool for this. At first, I started asking the journals to write; nowadays, some of them ask me to publish an article. And because of these activities, I have been able to increase my contacts, and increase the exchange of information with other professionals. It is true that the working-day leaves you little time, but the organization and the spirit are keys to get time. When you do something which you delight, time is not important. I am sure that you will get it.”
Can you tell some examples of positive feedbacks you’ve gotten doing this activity? 
“The congratulations of many of my colleagues are definitely my best feedback. When I write an article or develop a post in the blog, through collaboration tools such blogger, linkedin and email, I distribute it to all my contacts. So, I share my knowledge and I encourage them to participate. Some companies, from U.S., UK, Spain, etc.., have requested me to share our websites placing the links each other. My new collaboration with “” is a success of this work.”
What about your “telecommunication systems for high speed railways”? How it was born? Who are the recipients? Do you have troubles speaking in public?
“Because of my blog and my activity on linkedin, a Spanish e-learning company, “EADIC”, by José Antonio González Alcántara, invited me to collaborate with them doing this training and being the teacher of the course. The idea seemed me so great, and I got to work on it. We have started recently, but I have already several editions of the course with students. We keep moving it. I leave you the link, but for now, it is only available in Spanish. Public speaking is always easier when you have dominion over the subject you are teaching. It is also essential to have good communication skills.”
Summarize in few words the importance of technical publications and social networking for young professionals.
I think the technical publications and social networking are very important for two reasons. First, the concept of “reverse mentoring”: young people, with our dominion of technology, we can offer a lot in the working world. Related with this,  here you can find my last article, dealing with this topic and the generations at work. The second reason is the immense competition that exists in the currents jobs. These concepts are very important to differentiate yourself and so, increase your personal skills. Besides, logically, the knowledge which you will get through these tools.”

Victor Martín got, at the end of 2007, his degree in telecommunication engineering at the University Politecnica of Madrid. He likes living and working with other people, in different environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential. He considers essential being communicative with his workmates. His organizational skills and competences are coordination with workmates, clients and other companies; Skills of administration of people, projects and budgets; voluntary in his work and completely responsible with his tasks in the company. His professional career has been developed in the railway sector. He has managed the development of railway telecommunication projects in High Speed Railway Lines. Besides, he has a great knowledge in Video, Access Control and Intruder Detection Systems. He´s the founder of the blog “Victor Martin_Comunicaciones Ferroviarias”, and collaborates with several railway and telecommunication magazines. He´s member of the group policies, regulation and communication of the spanish school of telecommunication engineers, and the creator and teacher of the course “Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones Ferroviarias de Alta Velocidad”

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