railway stations: ten of the world’s most beautiful

Railway Station
Have you ever happened to be traveling on a train for holidays and cannot wait to get to your destination, to enjoy the beauty of a new city? Surely yes! But, did you remember a time when the first really impressive thing to see was the railway station?For a tourist, to arrive in a city and be immediately dazzled by the architectural beauty of the railway station, is certainly something important, which contributes to the “first impression” of the city.

For a city commuter, being able to live his daily life in an environment not only functional but also beautiful to look at, undoubtedly increases their quality of life.

Opened in 1903, Grand Central is grand in every way. Big, broad-shouldered, opulent and beautifully built, it is as much a meeting place – a vast urban drawing room – as it a commuter, and occasional long distance, railroad station. It is a truly great place to sit and while away the New York rush hour, cocktail to hand, while watching great shafts of evening sunlight slant through the huge Beaux-Arts windows of its sensationally ambitious concourse as passengers head for the platforms – all forty-four of them hidden on two levels beneath your feet. Look higher again, above the famous four-faced station clock, and there’s a glorious ceiling to marvel at, a map no less of the constellations and the signs of the zodiac. Not for nothing is Grand Central the world’s sixth most popular visitor attraction.Do you want to see the other nine most beautiful stations,  selected by BBC? Click on the link below!
Source:  http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20131203-all-aboard-stunning-stations

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