railway signalling games: SimSig and EA Rail Simulator

railway signalling games: rail simulator
railway signalling games: rail simulator

Railway signalling games and simulators are a funny and interesting way to learn new things about trains and signalling systems.

One of the most famous railway signalling games available on the market is Rail Simulator (Kuju Rail Simulator), a train simulation environment published by Electronic Arts (EA). A variety of scenarios are available as well as an exploratory style free roam mode. Cargos and passengers are animated and weather changes dynamically with time. A complete tool suite is also available to customize content, track construction based on a system of straights and arcs, allowing infinitely possible junction configurations, and scenery placement. A scenario editor allows the creation of tasks such as picking up passengers, hauling cargo and shunting wagons around yards.

SimSig is a simulation of a type of signal box used in the UK known as an Integrated Electronic Control Centre (IECC). What SimSig attempts to do is to place the user (you) in the signaler’s seat and let you control the trains. You will be presented with an environment closely resembling a real signalling control centre, including the screen display and controls!


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