Saturday, February 22, 2025
Tags Automatic train Control

Tag: Automatic train Control

Conventional vs CABS vs CBTC railway signalling & their impact to capacity

In railway signalling, capacity can be defined as the maximum number of trains that can pass a given location during a given time period at a specified level of reliability.

Formal methods in railway signalling systems

Strict safety requirements regulate the development of railway signalling and train control systems, covered by the CENELEC (European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization) EN 5012x rail standards

Thales to install CBTC into London Underground Network, as part of the 4LM (4 Lines Modernisation) programme

After awarding a 1billion euro contract, Thales will deliver an Automatic Train Control (ATC) system for four of London Underground’s lines: District, Circle, Metropolitan and Hammersmith & City.

What is a Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS)?

A TCMS (Train Control and Monitoring System) is an on-board system built with the purpose to control and monitor a list of train equipment.

How Track Circuits detect and protect trains: download your PDF copy!

Track circuits contributes for train detection but also for the vehicle’s speed control, since the electrical signals used for train detection can be exchanged between wayside and on-board for the transmission of speed commands. seeks signalling copywriters and contributors. Send us your application!

There is no matter if you share your knowledge with others! Are you interested to collaborate with us? Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today, send us your application!

Satellite technology over railway telecommunications

Is now a certainty that Satellite technology will be the future of the rail market.

The history of Overground in UK

A video by ThetrainChannel related to the history of Overground in United Kindom.

The Fastest train in the world

Have you ever wondered which is the fastest train in the world? See the classification below

Railway signalling since the birth to ERTMS

Railway signalling can be defined as all systems used to control railway traffic safely, essentially to prevent trains from colliding. Over the years knoledgment and technology able to satisfy this issue have been implemented. ERTMS/ETCS is currently the most common signalling system adopted in Europe.

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