Monday, March 24, 2025


Web TV

Supersonic speed train: watch the Hyperloop video

The video below shows how Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is trying to make this "pipe dream" a reality.

ERTMS in the UK: a video by Network Rail

In this video, Network Rail shows the power of the ERTMS in the UK and highlights the benefits that will come over after its implementation.

Shanghai Metro: the longest underground in the world

Overall, Shanghai metro consists in 14 metro lines and 337 stations, with an operating route length of 548 kilometers.

Interesting Tricks to Get a Train Moving

How to get a train moving? There's some interesting simple physics you need to know before I tell you that you need to move one car at a time...

History of controlling trains: a video by Network Rail

This is the history of how trains have been controlled in Britain

ETR 1000: The Fastest European Train Unveiled at InnoTrans

The new ETR 1000 presented at InnoTrans, the world's largest rail industry event, held every two years at the Messe Berlin exhibition centre (Germany)

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White papers

Requirements Management for safety critical systems: a new white paper in PDF format!

This paper will drive you across the different phases of the V-cycle for railway application, by explaining the key role of requirements during each phase and presenting the Systems Engineering activities required to support and control product development.

How Track Circuits detect and protect trains: download your PDF copy!

Track circuits contributes for train detection but also for the vehicle’s speed control, since the electrical signals used for train detection can be exchanged between wayside and on-board for the transmission of speed commands.

Environmental Sustainability of Rail Transportation

Since the train can be considered the transport mode of the future, national railway companies and European Union are currently working for a continuos upgrade of sustainable rail transportation, in order to guarantee the best quality of life to European citizens.

Railway signalling since the birth to ERTMS

Railway signalling can be defined as all systems used to control railway traffic safely, essentially to prevent trains from colliding. Over the years knoledgment and technology able to satisfy this issue have been implemented. ERTMS/ETCS is currently the most common signalling system adopted in Europe.

How to write a Technical Paper

Following this tips, you’ll be able to write a clear and flowing paper, to be published on an e-journal....

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Cyber security is a core part of the efficient combination of sophisticated software and connectivity in modern railway systems.